About us


Team of Blood


Game master
Jared Logan

Jared Logan is a writer/comedian who has performed his own half-hour special for Comedy Central. He has written for late night shows, sitcoms and feature films.


Secret GM
Clinton Trucks

Clinton Trucks is a producer of film, television, stage shows, podcasts, comedy specials, as well as the Sundance feature documentary Call Me Lucky. His work can be seen on Comedy Central, Netflix, Amazon, TruTV and others. He is currently producing a new season of Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Secret Secret GM
Brian Baldinger

Brian Baldinger is a comedy producer and development guy. He produces stuff for TV, festivals, and even the internet! Some fun credits include The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail, This Is Not Happening, Harmonquest, and Laugh Aid 2020. He's currently director of development at Starburns Audio, but his true passion is being the guy, behind the guy, BEHIND the guy, at Stream of Blood. And writing about himself in the third person.


Social Media Manager
Megan arch

Megan Arch is a marketing and social media manager in her free time, and a grant writer in academia for the rest of it. For many years, she managed social media for nonprofits including AIDS/LifeCycle. She loves TTRPGs and video games and pie.

Art director
Jill Petracek

Jill is pretty new at RPGs. She's also an easy crier, so that first character death is gonna be funny as all get out. Jill has a degree in Graphic Design and has worked in art department for several years, including the feature film PIG.



What is stream of Blood?

We livestream tabletop roleplaying games with writers, actors, comedians, and creators. We’ve played games like Blades in the Dark, Vampire: the Masquerade, Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and Warhammer with guests such as Gillian Jacobs, Becca Scott, Abubakar Salim, Rhett Miller, and Adam Conover.

When is stream of Blood?

We stream Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays on Twitch, and release the video the next day on YouTube. Check out the streaming calendar here.

Are any shows in podcast form?

We have a podcast! It has all 30 episodes of Vampires of Pittsburgh - Chronicle I, and currently has weekly releases of Vampires of Pittsburgh: Lockdown. If you’d like to hear our other series as podcasts, please let us know!
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts

How do I submit a question/suggestion?

Check out our Discord! There’s different sections for different shows, a suggestions box, and just a great community of RPG enthusiasts to chat with.

I need to get caught up, but can’t watch 3,000 hours of content. Is there a wiki?

Yes! Three of our dope subscribers, missmyk, Phancypants, and ClancyNacht started up the fan wiki, where you can get a better footing in the worlds our players have created. Check it out and add to it, if you like!

Do you have a patreon?

Eh? Not right now? Kinda? Maybe in the future if we keep this up! At the moment, the best way to support us is through a Twitch subscription.

Can my kid watch/Listen to SOB?

Our shows are for adult audiences, but sure. You can raise your kids how you like.

What shows are currently running?

Tuesday is Taste of Blood, our catch-all day, with rotating shows such as The Neptune Society (Call of Cthulhu), Lone Wolves (Lone Wolf), and THAC0 Tuesday (Old School Essentials DnD). Saturday evenings, watch Blood and Blades (Blades in the Dark). Sunday mornings, watch Vampires of Pittsburgh (Vampire the Masquerade).

Can I submit fan art?

We. LOVE. Fan art. Submit your creations to our Discord or tag us on social media, @_streamofblood_ , to see your work featured on the site or share with our growing community.
